Kimberly Carroll is a coach for changemakers, a campaign strategist for Animal Justice, a director at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank, and the Animal Justice Academy director, where animal activists learn the ins and outs of becoming an activist. Once a voracious meat eater to the point where folks used to make fun of her about it, Kimberly has switched this love of protein to things like tofu and lentils and became vegetarian about 25 years ago.This was pre-internet days when research couldn’t be easily conducted and when veganism was not as common as it is today. About ten years later, right around the time Earthlings came out, she went all-in vegan and became an activist at that time.
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Once Shy Kimberly Carroll Is Now Front and…
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Kimberly Carroll is a coach for changemakers, a campaign strategist for Animal Justice, a director at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank, and the Animal Justice Academy director, where animal activists learn the ins and outs of becoming an activist. Once a voracious meat eater to the point where folks used to make fun of her about it, Kimberly has switched this love of protein to things like tofu and lentils and became vegetarian about 25 years ago.This was pre-internet days when research couldn’t be easily conducted and when veganism was not as common as it is today. About ten years later, right around the time Earthlings came out, she went all-in vegan and became an activist at that time.